How to open account in icici bank.Why you need saving account.15 benifits of saving.
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Why you need saving account.
15 benifits of saving account.
- वित्तीय सुरक्षा
- आपातकालीन निधि
- सेवानिवृत्ति बचत
- वित्तीय लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करना
- मन की शांति
- कर्ज से बचना
- निवेश का अवसर
- घर खरीदना
- लगातार बचत की आदत
- शिक्षा
- बचत बेहतर क्रेडिट स्कोर
- धन का निर्माण
- अप्रत्याशित खर्चों को संभालने की क्षमता
- प्रियजनों के लिए एक विरासत बनाना
- तनाव में कमी
Icici bank rate of interest.
ICICI Bank raised the interest rate on 7- to 29-day FDs by 1.5 percentage points, from 3 to 4.50 per cent.
The interest rate on 30- to 45-day FDs has raised from 3.50 per cent to 5.25 per cent.
The interest rate on FDs of 46-60 days has been hiked from 4 per cent to 5.50 per cent.
The interest rate on FDs of 61-90 days from 4.50 per cent to 5.75 per cent.
The interest rate on FDs of 91-184 days from 4.75 per cent to 6.25 per cent.
The interest rate on FDs of 185-270 days is 6.50 per cent now.
FDs with terms of one year to less than 15 months now have an interest rate of 7.10 per cent.
FDs with terms of 15 months to 2 years now have an interest rate of 7.15 per cent.
FDs with terms of 2 years, 1 day to 3 years ow have an interest rate of 7 per cent.
The interest rate for FDs with maturities of three years, one day to ten years has been lowered to 6.75 per cent.
6.75 per cent is the new FD interest rate for terms of 5 years and 1 day to 10 years.
Tage -- insurance, icici bank